News! Tomb Raider, WIG Boston, and podcasts

by Maddy Myers

I reviewed the Tomb Raider reboot for Paste Magazine this week. The game comes out tomorrow. Hopefully I helped at least a few lost souls decide whether or not they should pick that up.

I also co-created a google group of games writers (and fans) this past week, with Cameron Kunzelman ( Anyone can apply to join it, and if you're kind to the other members, you can even stay in it! The group's hit a few rough patches in its first week, and that will likely continue, but I'm still glad the space exists. Talking to other writers while in the process of writing the Tomb Raider review made me think harder about how best to describe an experience. I think all my brain-work showed, because people seemed to like this review a lot. Thanks, google group, and thanks, brain!

This month I'm doing a talk at WIG Boston for the first time. I've attended before, and I'm honored to have been asked to speak. The talk, which will be about harassment and creating safe spaces, falls right after PAX East and during the week of GDC. That's not intentional, but I guess it may as well have been.

Also this week: My best friend Ryan and I tried to launch the first episode of our podcast, Gifio 7, in which we take a trip back in time and talk about our middle school-aged sci-fi writing selves. You can download it here. We spend almost the entire episode laughing. We will try to laugh at ourselves less in the future ... if we can. I composed and recorded all of the backing music for the show, and I'm pleased with how that came out, but the process of recording a Skype call still baffles me. How do people make a recorded Skype call sound good?